N-Powered To The Next Level




  • Are you ready to identify and confront negative experiences from your childhood and how these negative experiences frame how you see yourself, your life and the world around you?
  • Are you ready to confront your limiting self-beliefs and how these beliefs are holding you back from walking into your true power, position and purpose?
  • Are you ready to learn how to see your body, your appearance and your power through a positive lens? 
  • Ready to learn how to let go of hurts and disappointments from your past and move forward to create a narrative and action-steps that lead you towards success? 

If you answered yes, N-Powered To The Next Level personal development workbook is for you! 

On the following pages of N-Powered To The Next Level Olympian, United States Air Force Veteran, Survivor of Domestic Violence, 13 x Author, 2019 Women of Color of The Year and Women’s Personal Development expert, Laticia “Action” Jackson will teach you:

  • How to confront root issues and trauma(s) experienced from your childhood that influence your self-image, your relational and professional decisions 
  • How to forgive yourself for not valuing your gifts, your voice and your passions in life
  • How to identify negative self-talk, limiting self-beliefs and how to move forward by creating a narrative where you dare to succeed
  • How to see yourself and your body through a positive lens and appreciate your differences from other women 
  • How to get to the root of your core values and set goals from this place and so much more!

There’s no need to remain stuck dealing with hurt from your past, self-limiting beliefs and fear. You have the power within yourself to confront issues that are holding you back and you get to choose to make different decisions by creating new narratives where you win and succeed? 

Are you ready to go to the next level? 


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