Our Brand Story​ or Should I Say, My Story?

It is said that behind every great business there’s an impactful story. I don’t know if this is true. The only thing I can tell you is that my story can only be told by me. It’s a story of personal struggle, pain, self-discovery, and true freedom. 

Here's My Story!

There are numerous reasons for creating N-Powered Coaching Academy, but the main reason for creating our brand is based on my desire to see women emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically free. 

I haven’t always been or lived these things.

Here's My Truth

At one point in my life, I was…

On a Trainwreck Towards Death

I was on a personal train wreck to either being killed by a man from domestic abuse or I was going to kill myself. My pain was so deeply rooted. Everywhere I went, my pain followed me. That was until I knew I needed to be healed and I needed to confront the pain of my past and get to know who I was outside of my endless quest to be affirmed, validated, and loved.

I Surrendered!

If I were to fully be healed, I realized it would require me to activate my courage to step away from all titles, ideas, and false perceptions of who I thought I was. I sat at the feet of my Creator and I opened doors to my wounded heart and began to dig at my wounds. I allowed the love of my Creator to heal the pain and I took responsibility for the role(s) that I may have played in my pain.

Was It Easy? No…

Were there days when I wanted to quit? Yes…

But I didn’t. I didn’t because I knew one day I would help other women like yourself overcome their pain, confront their truth and build skills that would allow them to create the life they are proud to call their own. 

This has been a 13-year journey and each day I am moving towards complete healing. I am not there yet, however, today I am:

Watch Our NBC News Documentary!

How Did I Get Here?

I confronted my internal pain! I spoke my truth! And, I learned that my worth doesn’t come from outside sources, titles or degrees! 

I allowed my Creator to heal me from my brokenness and I learned how to tap into the power from within myself. I forgave myself and those who harmed me! I ignited my power and went on to earn 3 degrees, write 13 books, made it to the Fitness Olympia, launched a women’s empowerment product line called “Courageous Xpressions” (www.courageousxpressions.com). 

In addition to my personal accomplishments, you will often find me featured on television stations like NBC News, Fox 40, ABC 10, Blab TV and travel the world as a sought after keynote speaker speaking on domestic violence, women’s social issues, and women’s leadership!

And Here's the Secret!

There is no secret…

The power was always within me to create the life I was divinely created for and the power is within you too. We/I am here to help women like yourself and women around the world to become bold, powerful, and unstoppable!

Are you ready for this journey? 

I will be here walking with you step-by-step!

See you there! 

Laticia ” Action” Jackson

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